James Goss has written two Torchwood novels and a radio play, as well as a Being Human book His Doctor Who audiobook Dead Air won Best Audiobook 2010 James also spent seven years working on the BBC s official Doctor Who website and co wrote the website for Torchwood Series One In 2007, he won the Best Adaptation category in the annual LA Weekly.
Season 2
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
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A conflicted Torchwood team is surprised to see Captain Jack suddenly return to their lives, and though he tries to come back as if nothing had happened, Jack soon finds that some things have changed since his disappearance. There's little time for explanations, though, as a mysterious stranger from Jack's past steps through the rift, and he's on a mission that only the Torchwood team can help him finish. But it becomes quickly clear that Captain John Hart is not all he claims to be, and as usual, Captain Jack Harkness has some secrets of his own.
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When a burglary turns into a slaughter, Torchwood suspect alien involvement. Who is Beth, and can she be as innocent as she seems? However, when the investigation escalates into a city-wide assault, Captain Jack realises that the whole planet is in danger.
To the Last Man
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Every year since 1918, the team wakes Tommy from cryogenic sleep, because one day they will need his help. But they don't know which year, or for what. All indications are sealed in a box that will only open at the right moment.
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Conflicts abound when a truck owned by Rhys's trucking company is investigated by Torchwood... and Rhys is there to see it. The meat it carries is tainted, or is it even meat at all? Rhys does a little investigating of his own, and might have something to contribute to the team this time around. But he's no longer sure who he can trust anymore. And can Gwen and the team trust him?
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Adam, an alien in the guise of a personable young man, is a 'memory manipulator' who implants false memories into the Torchwood team, leading them to believe he is an old friend. Gwen is induced to forget Rhys and Jack recalls painful memories of his brother before he exposes Adam. The team take tablets to restore their memories, in the process 'killing' Adam, who fades away.
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Jack persuades Martha Jones to go undercover at the Pharm, a sinister research facility, which is experimenting in the drug 'Reset', releasing alien parasites into the body to 'reset' it and cure disease. She is exposed by the Pharm's head, Dr. Copley and injected with Reset before the Torchwood team ride to her rescue.
Dead Man Walking
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Jack acquires the other Resurrection Glove to bring Owen momentarily back from the dead. However, Owen does not become fully dead again - even though his body is physically dead, some unknown force keeps him reanimated. And he's becoming less human...
A Day in the Death
Audio Books Torrent
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Owen's been dead for three days and finds it unbearable. He meets a woman contemplating jumping off a roof and reveals that there is nothing after death. He then tells the woman how he ended up coming to the roof.
Something Borrowed
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Friday night: Gwen's late for her own hen party. This is because she's been chasing a man-eating shape-shifter, which bites her before Jack shoots it. Saturday morning: Wedding day. Gwen wakes up heavily pregnant.
From Out of the Rain
Torchwood Books In Order
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An old movie theatre, The Electro, has been restored and is opening as a museum. Ianto used to go there as a child and invites Owen and Gwen to the opening. Jack hears faint music, like pipe organ, at Torchwood. Then the movie projector somehow plays a different film than the one on the reel. Ianto sees Jack in the movie, in a traveling show. Then the projector stops. Two characters from the movie disappear into the night...
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When a local teenager disappears, Gwen is drawn into an investigation that reveals a darker side of Torchwood. Hundreds of people have disappeared without trace, but why is Jack obstructing attempts to find them? The answer seems to lie in the rift, and as Gwen follows the trail she makes a shocking discovery.
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As the team is trapped in the rubble of a building, their paths to joining Torchwood are revealed.
Exit Wounds
Twilight Audio Books Free Download
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When the villainous Captain John Hart returns to abduct Captain Jack Harkness whilst unleashing a wave of destruction and terror upon an unsuspecting Cardiff, it's up to Gwen, Ianto, Owen and Tosh to save the day. Meanwhile, Captain Jack Harkness is forced to face some demons from his past.